Don´t Feed the Troll! Carmel Vaisman, research fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, talks about the phenomena of trolling, hate speech and cyber bulling. She explains her discourse analysis approach to this form of online culture and memetics and why hate-groups and mashup-pictures of teachers on the ass of dogs are popular genres. This episode is produced together with Thomas Lohninger, who makes the audiolicious podcast Talking Anthropology.
Linklist: Carmel Vaisman @Twitter, Podcast Talking Anthropology, Gruppe Internetforschung (Uni Wien), Prezi „Don’t Feed the Trolls! Countering the Discourse Patterns of Online Harassment“, Hate Speech (Wikipedia), Susan Herring, Avatar (Wikipedia), Participatory Journalism, Emmanuel Levinas (Wikipedia), Boxxy; Love and Trolls (Intro)
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